Friday, September 12, 2014

Strickland stands with Obama on backroom corporate trade deals

Republicans locally don't realize the Nanny State Politician Brian Strickland is.  This may be why he is on the run from his own base...

Check out HR 1280 where Strickland stood with Obama and global corporations--at the expense of actual free trade.  Strickland supports Obama's corporatism which actually undermines the autonomy of the US Government to write and enforce its own laws.  There are many many examples of Nanny State Strickland trying to use Government power to redistribute wealth upwards at the expense of Henry citizens and market structure.

Ron Paul Republicans will be no fan of Nanny State Strickland....

Why is Strickland failing to protect you from ciminals?

For the past two years my opponent has been silent on wage theft. Working people in this district need to ask: Why is Strickland protecting criminals just because they wear a suit and tie? Who is he really looking out for?  

When it comes to Government hand outs and welfare queen's....

Local Republicans might like to check out: and do their homework on the neoFedualist they nominated for State House.

There is a reason Brian Strickland is on the run from his base.  Pay-to-play politics and Nanny State handouts are destroying our economy and creating a culture of entitlement.  Its not something he wants to talk about.  

Its time to move Georgia forward and rebuild the middle class. Step one is ending the Nanny State system of handouts no matter which party is in power or what those fools in Washington DC are doing.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Why is Strickland allowing Arne Duncan and the neoliberals in Washington to set the terms of debate for our education process?

If you want to read about why someone opposes Common Core you can check out someone like Diane Ravitch who has written extensively on her opposition to Common Core and has done so many times.

But was Brian Strickland standing up to Arne Duncan and the neoliberal's in Washington DC trying to impose a failed corporatist agenda onto the education of our children these past two years?  Nope. See for yourself.

That might just be why Strickland is on the run from Republicans in his district....

While Strickland was standing with the neoliberals taking away the power of parents and teachers to influence their child's education I was speaking up and speaking out against the failed neoliberal agenda from Duncan and the DC/Wall Street wing of the Democratic Party encroaching on us here in Henry.

My campaign has created an education working group here in District 111 so that the parents, teachers, and administrators locally in District 111 are setting the terms of debate in the education process.  

If you'd like to learn more  go to my website at sign up for emails to hear about upcoming meet-ups and join us in our efforts.  

Brian Strickland might want you to be a spectator that only shows up every two years on election day ill informed and kept in the dark so that Arnie Duncan can set the terms of your child's education. But I expect the citizens of district 111 to roll up their sleeves and fight back against the efforts to steal local autonomy.

I'm committed to spending the next two years engaged with parents, teachers, and local administrators to put our kids first and provide the type of quality education a 21st century global economy requires.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Brian Strickland and the feast of wingnuts buying off our economy.

One of the concerns with a State Representative who is always trying to hide is that he fails to take public positions on the pressing issues of the day.

The local community will always take cues from their local leaders because the community wants to trust their leaders are engaged in the issues at a level most working people don't have time to delve into.  This leads to a Hayekian impasse in terms of information flows where correct and accurate knowledge is not reaching the proper channels and a breakdown of social order required for a flourishing middle class economy.

Right now economic policy on the right, to quote Jonathan Chait, is a "feast of the wingnuts":
American politics has been hijacked by a tiny coterie of right-wing economic extremists, some of them ideological zealots, others merely greedy, a few of them possibly insane. The scope of their triumph is breathtaking. Over the course of the last three decades, they have moved from the right-wing fringe to the commanding heights of the national agenda. Notions that would have been laughed at a generation ago--that cutting taxes for the very rich is the best response to any and every economic circumstance or that it is perfectly appropriate to turn the most rapacious and self-interested elements of the business lobby into essentially an arm of the federal government--are now so pervasive, they barely attract any notice.
The result has been a slowmotion disaster. Income inequality has approached levels normally associated with Third World oligarchies, not healthy Western democracies. The federal government has grown so encrusted with business lobbyists that it can no longer meet the great public challenges of our time. Not even many conservative voters or intellectuals find the result congenial. Government is no smaller--it is simply more debt-ridden and more beholden to wealthy elites.
It was not always this way. A generation ago, Republican economics was relentlessly sober. Republicans concerned themselves with such ills as deficits, inflation, and excessive spending. They did not care very much about cutting taxes, and (as in the case of such GOP presidents as Herbert Hoover and Gerald Ford) they were quite willing to raise taxes in order to balance the budget. While many of them were wealthy and close to business, the leaders of business themselves had a strong sense of social responsibility that transcended their class interests. By temperament, such men were cautious rather than utopian.
Over the last three decades, however, such Republicans have passed almost completely from the scene, at least in Washington, to be replaced by, essentially, a cult.

I can tell you exactly the moment when I decided to run for office.

It was the Henry County Young Republicans Town Hall when I realized that the moderate who wasn't touting a rightwing Moral Majority party line on the gays and choice also wasn't saying a peep about the rent seeking or regulatory capture that was and is destroying our economy--the use of Government power to redistribute wealth upwards.

As soon as I realized I could run to the right of my Republican State Representative on health care and the economy I knew I had to run.  Because it was then that I realized Pay-to-Play politics has Strickland on the run... he released this photos the other day confirming my hunch.

Why won't Brian speak out against the right wing destroying our economy in the name of enriching themselves?  What's he running from and who is he running for?

Chip in now. Your $5, $25 or $50 contribution will help get the message out to voters that Brian Strickland had his chance and has failed to move Georgia forward.  Strickland is mocking you while criminals destroy our economy and our liberty for their own gain.  It is truly out of touch.

Brian Strickland is leading us down the road to serfdom

Nathan Deal's pay-to-play politics is a form of welfare at its worst; welfare for political donors.

Rep. Brian Strickland's failure to speak up and speak out during his two years in office is a dereliction of duty and erodes the foundations of a free society.

Strickland hasn't been reading his Hayek, truth is Stricklands secret is he isn't a conservative at all.  He's leading us down a road to serfdom as the conservative economist and philosopher Friedrich Hayek called it.

Strickland supports a welfare state of administration (pay-to-play politics) that harms our economic efficiency and  uses Government power to redistribute wealth upwards to political donors destroying the type of market economy a strong middle class is able to flourish under.  Strickland won't stand up to loser liberalism and he won't fight to protect our seniors.  Is that why Strickland is on the run?

Strickland hasn't read his Hayek on Serfdom and Welfare States: 
Hayek’s critique of the welfare state simply falls out of his broader conception of the legal order of a free people. If you have a patterned principle of distributive justice, one that would license a welfare state of tinkering, then you’re going to have to constantly interfere with liberty in increasingly objectionable ways to get the distribution right. That is, the problem withcertain kinds of welfare states is that they are one of many ways in which the strictures of general rules are relaxed.
So let’s distinguish between two kinds of welfare states: the welfare state of law and the welfare state of administration. Hayek’s preferred welfare state is limited by his insistence that the law be regulated by clear, public, general principles rather than administrative bodies. That’s why his safety nets are so general and uniform: because safety nets should follow these same general principles. In this way, Hayek endorses a welfare state of law.
Hayek opposes the welfare state of administration. First, it’s a vague target because it’s not exactly clear what principles it is based upon. That is, its general principles are insufficiently public. That’s one way (not the only way) that it can get away with tinkering, because the public lacks access to simple, public principles by which to evaluate and restrict the actions of welfare state bureaucrats. This opens the door to increasing social control (in the absence of ideological opposition).
But the second problem with the welfare state of administration is that it contains an internal dynamic that pushes in a socialist direction.'

Tell Brian Strickland this election day that District 111 supports economic liberty not welfare for political donors....

 Chip in to the Committee to Elect Jim Nichols.  Your $5, $25 or $50 contribution will help get the message out to voters that Brian Strickland had his chance and has failed to move Georgia forward.  Strickland is mocking you while criminals destroy our economy and our liberty for their own gain.

Georgia ranks 50th in unemployment; but Strickland's donors are doing great!

Georgia ranks 50th in unemployment at the moment.  Our state economy is headed in the wrong direction but Brian Strickland is gushing about being "number 1 in job creation".  But there is a secret Brain Strickland is hiding behind with that statistic.  His political donors may be doing great but there is a dirty little secret that Strickland doesn't want to tell...

The problem is those number 1 rankings came with a "Pay-to-Play" price tag:
  CNBC named Georgia the “No. 1 state for business.”
The top guy at the state Department of Economic Development was so excited to finally win an economic honor fair-and-square, he told the newspaper, “And we didn’t buy this one, either.” 
Not so fast.There’s an even bigger problem with CNBC’s ranking than with Site Selection’s pay-for-play honor that cost taxpayers $134,000.
It turns out that CNBC relied on Gov. Deal’s donors and political allies for its data. 
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution published these political connections this morning but Nathan Deal doesn't want to talk about it -- at all.
"Initial indications this morning are that the Deal campaign is too angry to offer any coherent comment ," 
It turns out that CNBC used data from two politically aligned sources to create the rankings: the National Association of Manufacturers and the Council on Competitiveness. 
And both of these groups have direct ties to Nathan Deal.
The least he could do
The chairman of the National Association of Manufacturers is also the CEO of Caterpillar, Inc., a corporation that received a $44 million tax break from Gov. Deal’s administration to open a new factory in Georgia.
And the chairman of the Council on Competitiveness is the CEO of John Deere, whose PAC has donated $10,100 to Nathan Deal’s campaign and at least $140,650 to Georgia Republicans since 2011.
So, both of these groups had a vested interest in seeing Gov. Deal and Georgia do well in the rankings. 
Thanks to this politically polluted data, Georgia’s ranking for transportation infrastructure soared from No. 18 last year to No. 1 this year with no significant improvements. 
But Gov. Deal has an even bigger problem than his desperate attempt to find someone -- anyone -- to say that Georgia is a great place for corporations to do business. 
Gov. Deal’s bigger problem is that he’s focused on the wrong ranking.
Even CNBC admits that Georgia is near the bottom of its rankings for education and quality of life. 
Gov. Deal cares more about giving his donors and corporations multi-million dollar tax breaks than he does about fixing our schools, our hospitals and our communities. 
And then there’s Gov. Deal’s biggest problem of all. 
Whether he’s talking about his many ethics scandals or talking about Georgia’s economy, Gov. Deal just can’t tell the truth.

The real question is why is Brian Strickland always photobombing Nathan Deal no matter how large a crowd?

What is Brian hiding?  What is he running from?  What's the dirty little secret he's keeping from us?  Has Nathan Deal's corruption bought our State Representative?  What is Brian getting on the back end for all the smiles and cheerleading?  Why can't he tell the truth about the challenges we face?

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Why is Strickland supporting Loser Liberalism?

Making our markets more progressive and fair should be a top priority if we want to rebuild the middle class here in Georgia.

But Brian Strickland has failed to stand up and speak out against Loser Liberalism.  He must be too busy protecting the Nanny State Government in its efforts to redistribute wealth upwards!

But protecting the rich and powerful isn't the job of a State Representative.  Is this why Brian is on the lam? Whats he running from and who is he really running for?

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Hide and Seek; is he evading his base...or leading us on? A tale of two Politicians... in one.

So State Rep. Brian Strickland has tried to lay low as a public figure.  Feed the base red meat, but give the general public a less regressive spin.

Here he is, oh no, wait here he is--a tale of two politicians, from the same politician.  It appears Strickland has a public side he shows the general public and a public side he tries to keep to his GOP base.  No official town halls...not a one.  But lots of Republican shin digs.  He even shares his email update with two other Republicans State Rep's--which one writes it? Who knows!?!  Its all sent direct from Deal anyways.

So which Brian will show up when he finally puts up a website?  The regressive right winger or smiles and moderation?  A tale of two Politicians... in one.

For now (as of 8.31.2014) we wait.

I'm not saying he's a criminal; in fact I kind of like him personally. But really, whats he running from?

Does Brian Strickland hate Libertarians or just like wasting tax dollars?

Our recent run-off election is a perfect example of wasted resources that are built into the pay-to-play political system we have in our state.  It needs to be reformed, but Rep. Brian Strickland likes the game as its currently played.  He's out of touch and not interested in what voters have to say.

Between opening 38 precincts with a minimum of 3 to 4 poll workers, the cost of absentee paper ballots, advance voting, postage, and overtime; a run-off election for Henry County costs about $38,000 to 42,000 to the County and the State does not help with those costs.  But these expenses for a run-off election are not needed with modern technology.

Why has Rep. Brian Strickland failed to work on election reform?

Does he hate the Libertarian Party and want to stifle democracy?  Does he just like the pay-to-play political system?  Is that why Brian is on the lam?

Why won't Strickland protect our seniors?

Why is Brian Strickland protecting rents in the health care sector but not protecting our seniors?

When Georgia had the opportunity to try to force the Federal Government to expand global trade in the health care sector, expand affordable health coverage to working people, and protect rural hospitals in Georgia from closing our current State Rep. Brian Strickland threw up his hands and said leave it up to the Federal Government.

Is that why Brian’s on the lam?  What is the dirty little secret Brian is hiding?

Nathan Deal and his good buddy Brian...

Every chance he got in his two years in office our State Rep. was at Nathan Deal's side.  No matter how big of a crowd, there was Deal and his good buddy Brian...

And when Deal's team needed to tour Henry County who did they call?

Now that the party is over and the pay-to-play politics is being exposed.  You have to ask... is that why Brian is on the lam?